BayesCTDesign - Two Arm Bayesian Clinical Trial Design with and Without
Historical Control Data
A set of functions to help clinical trial researchers
calculate power and sample size for two-arm Bayesian randomized
clinical trials that do or do not incorporate historical
control data. At some point during the design process, a
clinical trial researcher who is designing a basic two-arm
Bayesian randomized clinical trial needs to make decisions
about power and sample size within the context of hypothesized
treatment effects. Through simulation, the simple_sim()
function will estimate power and other user specified clinical
trial characteristics at user specified sample sizes given user
defined scenarios about treatment effect,control group
characteristics, and outcome. If the clinical trial researcher
has access to historical control data, then the researcher can
design a two-arm Bayesian randomized clinical trial that
incorporates the historical data. In such a case, the
researcher needs to work through the potential consequences of
historical and randomized control differences on trial
characteristics, in addition to working through issues
regarding power in the context of sample size, treatment effect
size, and outcome. If a researcher designs a clinical trial
that will incorporate historical control data, the researcher
needs the randomized controls to be from the same population as
the historical controls. What if this is not the case when the
designed trial is implemented? During the design phase, the
researcher needs to investigate the negative effects of
possible historic/randomized control differences on power, type
one error, and other trial characteristics. Using this
information, the researcher should design the trial to mitigate
these negative effects. Through simulation, the historic_sim()
function will estimate power and other user specified clinical
trial characteristics at user specified sample sizes given user
defined scenarios about historical and randomized control
differences as well as treatment effects and outcomes. The
results from historic_sim() and simple_sim() can be printed
with print_table() and graphed with plot_table() methods.
Outcomes considered are Gaussian, Poisson, Bernoulli,
Lognormal, Weibull, and Piecewise Exponential. The methods are
described in Eggleston et al. (2021)